APT's unified approach to working with Psychosis, Course 3:
'Early Intervention' is a 3-day course from the Association for Psychological Therapies (APT), a leading provider of accredited courses for professionals working in mental health and related areas.
It is the only Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) training that is APT-accredited and also gives you access to APT’s relevant downloadable resources for use post-course. The course is available for teams/organizations and can be attended face-to-face or online.
Please note: you can attend one, some, or all of 'APT's unified approach to working with Psychosis' courses, in whichever order is best for you.
Tragically, some people embark on a psychotic career of: disturbed adolescence ... psychotic breakdown ... recovery ... relapse. A sequence lasting a lifetime, through repeated disturbed delusional states and ending in a depressed, inactive and un-motivated state. 'Early Intervention' strategies recently developed and still developing, aim to nip this sequence in the bud and to harry it at every stage. And, wonderfully, the results of such interventions appear to be very promising indeed.
It was to bring these strategies to mainstream clinical practice that we developed this course.
The aims of this course are simple. Namely: to acquaint you with the concepts and skills that enable you to implement early intervention strategies; to enable you to review and develop your early intervention service if you have one; to motivate and enable you to develop one if you haven't. The overarching aim is to be able to (a) help vulnerable adolescents so they never become psychotic, (b) intervene intensively with people who have a first psychotic episode so they don't have a second and (c) spot impending relapse and intervene to prevent it. These are what the course strives for.
You will be registered as having attended the course, thereby gaining APT's Level 1 accreditation, and receive a certificate to this effect. The accreditation gives you access to online resources associated with the course and access to the online exam if you wish to uprate your APT accreditation to Level 2.
Your registration lasts indefinitely, and your accreditation lasts for 3 years and is renewable by sitting an online refresher which also upgrades your accreditation to APT Level 2 if you are successful in the associated online exam.
Your accreditation is given value by the fact of over 150,000 people having attended APT training. See APT accreditation for full details.
Booking this training is easy...Booking Options... for individuals or small groups For teams and organizations:
Live and interactive online course, delivered via Zoom or Teams exclusively for your team or organization. Price: $7,990 for a group of up to 15 people (price includes a workbook for every delegate, posted to one address, or a PDF version can be provided). Extra delegates $525 per person. Option 2: 'Train the Trainer': If you or a colleague are a senior professional (e.g. consultant psychologist) and have a talent for communication and teaching, then you are welcome to apply to become an APT-accredited tutor. You could then tutor the course in your own organization, under license. This is not only a highly appropriate use of senior professionals, but it also saves your organization the tutor-component of the fee each time you run it or your chosen modules (50% of the 'Online Live and Exclusive' fee, regardless of whether the course is held Face-to-Face or Online). To see the full benefits of this and to see whether you are eligible, click the button:
Course 1: CBT for Psychosis - Key Knowledge and Skills for Everyday Interactions ❯
Course 2: CBT for Psychosis - Assessment, Formulation, and Helping Strategies ❯
Course 3: Early Intervention ❯
Course 4: Family Interventions ❯
We continuously monitor the quality of our training by obtaining feedback on the two key scales of relevance and presentation from every course delegate. Below are the average ratings for the last ten runnings of this course, which are updated periodically.
Presentation: 95%
Relevance: 95%
APT prides itself on the feedback we receive about our courses. Below are just some of the great comments the 'Course 3: Early Intervention' course has received.
"I have actually stopped applying for any non APT courses as they far exceed the content and presentation of any other NHS course I have been on in my 20+ years' experience of psychiatry. Many thanks."
"I have heard so much about APT courses but have never had the privilege of attending one until now. I have to say that in 18 years working in mental health I have attended many courses but these past 3 days have surpassed all of them. The information and manner in which it was presented was excellent. My advice to anyone who has not been on an APT course is 'get yourself on one.' If you had only one course to do in the remainder of your career do this one. Thanks.”